Tag: Jenna Bazzell


Over 100 students affected by professor’s absence

An MCCC English professor was recently placed on leave, according to college administrators. Jenna Bazzell, associate professor of English, is on leave as of Monday, Sept. 16, for unknown reasons. Grace Yackee, vice president of instruction, said the college cannot comment further. “However, in an effort to preserve employee rights […]


GSA set to hold annual Pride Party

Anticipate conversation, community and contentment at this year’s annual Pride Party. The MCCC Gender & Sexuality Alliance will hold the event on Friday, April 12 from 5-10 p.m. in the Cellar.  Since at least 2015, the Pride Party has been a spring tradition for the GSA. “The GSA created a […]


Safe Space Summit scheduled for April 10-11

Through presentations, discussions and dialogue, students, alums, staff and community members will share their journeys of positive social change and liberation at the Safe Space Summit. Led by an MCCC alum or student, the event kicks off from 6-7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10 in S-Building Room 165 with Grassroots […]


Articles found in bathrooms violate campus policy

Editor’s Note: This version of the story eliminates an opinionated term in the headline. News stories about sexual violence in bathrooms were discovered by a student in a women’s bathroom in the La-Z-Boy Center. On Wednesday, March 13 before noon, an MCCC student entered the women’s bathroom and discovered the […]


Conflicting views, conflicting statements at board meeting

During the Board of Trustees meeting Feb. 26, the conversation of restroom policies at MCCC made a return with more than just students feeling a concern for safety. President Kojo Quartey said he reached out to GSA advisors following the Jan. 22 meeting, receiving no response. During that meeting several […]


Negotiations are not going smoothly at MCCC

You may have seen red buttons appearing on the shirts of faculty members around campus, each one stating “Value MCCC Faculty.” These buttons are part of an effort by staff members to bring awareness to the ongoing negotiations between faculty and the college administration. Negotiations that are not going smoothly. […]

CARES Act News

MCCC receives $650K for student success

Deciding to stay in college to prepare for a better future, or instead, take on more work to provide for immediate financial needs, is a difficult dilemma, especially amid the hardships of the worldwide COVID–19 pandemic. MCCC student Emilee Breitner said when MCCC went virtual she had to share laptop […]


GSA celebrates 10 years at MCCC

This November marks the 10-year anniversary of the Gender & Sexuality Alliance at Monroe County Community College. The group was created by Tom Ryder, MCCC’s Student Activities coordinator, along with Jerry Morse, a former MCCC graphic artist. Ryder said the group was created when a student petition was submitted in […]