Other News


MCCC to open at noon Thursday

MCCC announced at 9:20 p.m. Wednesday that the college will open at noon tomorrow, Feb. 3. MCCC was closed Wednesday due to a snowstorm that left many stuck at home as a result of snowy and icy road conditions and deep snow drifts. Tuesday afternoon, the AlertNow system informed students […]


Can’t censor history

Mark Twain has been quoted as saying,  "Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it." Twain is probably rolling in his grave at the news that his classic novel, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," is being censored for use in elementary […]


UM has new coach, new hope

The University of Michigan has a new head coach and a new direction. After a stretch that may have been the worst in Michigan football history, Athletic Director Dave Brandon decided it was time to part ways with Head Coach Rich Rodriguez on Jan. 5. Rodriguez had been the football […]


Rock & Roll comes alive

They said rock and roll was dead, but a rockin’ show on Jan. 21 at MCCC brought it back from the grave. The American Rock & Roll: A Tribute to the Eagles, ZZ Top and CCR show at Meyer Theater excited the crowd and moved some feet. People were lined […]


Monroe Big Band makes big bang at Meyer Theater

Picture Frank Sinatra singing his best in MCCC’s own Meyer Theater on Jan. 15. You couldn’t have gotten any closer than the Monroe Big Band featuring Kevin Sands, Joel Zmuda and Lisa Young. Kevin Sands has that undeniable charm, charisma and voice. You would think Sinatra was standing right in […]


MCCC library provides valuable resources

MCCC’s library has several resources that are available to students. Barbara McNamee, the director of learning resources, praises the usefulness of the databases. “The biggest resource the library has to offer are the databases. They provide 24 hour access to library from home. It’s really beneficial. Students aren’t as dependent […]


Cost of Paper, Ink may lead to printing fees

When an MCCC student prints a document on campus computers, a dialog box appears stating they will be charged $0.00 fee.   The dialog box can be ignored for now, but it signals the college plans to eventually charge students for printing. Thousands of pages per day are printed by […]


Fitness Center underutilized by students

With the New Year beginning, many people have made their new sets of resolutions. But the fad to not be fat doesn’t seem to have reached MCCC’s own Fitness Center. While many students and employees do use the workout facility, there are many more who do not, according to Karen […]


One Book author to visit MCCC in April

Author and musician James McBride will be coming to the MCCC Meyer Theater, located in the La-Z-Boy Center, on April 4th to speak about his memoir, “The Color of Water.” The memoir has been chosen for Monroe County’s “One Book, One Community” program.   “The program will help our county […]


MCCC hosts blood drive, saves up to 150 people

Blood is a precious gift that someone could give, and on Jan. 20 MCCC hosted a Red Cross Blood drive. Fifty-two students and faculty gave blood that afternoon, amounting to 6.5 gallons of blood given. That much blood could save up to 150 people. And with the Red Cross’ […]