University of Michigan has the “Diag” and we have the, well, what do we have?
In the middle of the Admissions, Library, Life Sciences and Tech buildings is a little meeting area with trees and a round walkway.
“I’m not sure what it’s called,” Lindsay Insco, MCCC student said. “It’s not like the college says anything about it.”
The opinion of what the name is varies from student to student.
“The Center Piece,” Drew Patterson said.
“We should call it the Square,” MCCC freshman, Ashley Loudenslager said.
“The Four Corners sounds like a good name,” MCCC freshman Jon Griffis said.
Even David Nixon, the President of MCCC has ideas for what the school could do.
“Personally, I’d like to see a 50 ft. tall Clock Tower… That would be five stories tall, signifying the center of the campus. It could include a loud speaker system for “chimes” on the hour,” Nixon, said.
The Agora wants your opinion! What do you want that center walkway to be called?
We will pick the best entry and that will be the unofficial name of the walkway.
You can submit your story right to the Agora in the L building room 202, or email it to Matthew Mullins