

Views differ on Pell Grant – con

As most know, Pell Grant checks aren’t being given out until the last week of October.For any student not receiving financial aid to attend MCCC, this poses no problem.  To those who do receive financial aid like me, you are living in a world of hurt right now. MCCC made […]


Views differ on Pell grant – pro

Tuition paid in full? Check. Books and supplies– such as pencils, notebooks, flash drives and calculators all also paid in full? Check. Some students still angry about their financial aid? Check?  Semester after semester, year after year, a number of Federal Pell Grant recipients have their higher education paid in […]


Web site, new media course coming soon

Journalism is changing across the world, and so is the journalism at MCCC. In the next few weeks, The Agora’s first Web site is scheduled to launch. Coverage of the campus community by The Agora’s student staff will go from once or twice a month, with the printed newspaper, to […]


Don’t ask, Don’t tell

In elementary school, I remember seeing countless posters in classrooms and in the halls promoting diversity. The posters said things like, “Everyone smiles in the same language.” As a young child, I knew that these posters were there to remind us that being different wasn’t a bad thing.  The lesson […]


Freedom of choice not considered

People should have the right to choose where they want to smoke.The new smoking policy, which states smoking is confined to all parking areas, is interfering with that right.One professor is saddened and upset with this new policy.Dave Arevigian, MCCC Business adjunct faculty member, also known as Mr. A, is […]


Remembering our nation’s heroes

Many people forget there still are wars going on in places such as Iraq and Afghanistan. I myself tend to forget that there are people overseas risking their lives just so I can go about doing whatever I want.This war didn’t affect me emotionally until someone I knew was killed. One […]


Judge not, lest ye learn something

On a Tuesday, I arrive at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church at 5:30 p.m. so I can talk to someone before we start eating at 6 p.m. After driving into the parking lot, I see a fellow classmate walking up to the church.  She comes over and says hello and […]