Well, folks. This is my last advice column of this academic year. I know, you’re all in tears, torn to pieces about the end of this fantastic journey. But do not fret, as I will be back next fall to share advice with you all. Seeing as we are near […]
New Net Neutrality Laws
So what is Net Neutrality, and what does it mean for you? Net Neutrality, loosely defined, is the term for when all internet traffic is treated equally. This is what we currently have. The internet is not defined as a public utility by the FCC. This means that the standardization […]
Freshman advice uncensored
Your first year at community college can be tough. Since I’ve largely forgotten mine, I assume it was totally traumatic or maybe even completely benign. Either way, I’ve compiled some useful information to guide you through it. My objective is to provide you with the tools to have a successful […]
Amish vacation ruined by imported goods
My family and I took our vacation this year to Shipshewana, Indiana, one of the nation’s largest Amish populations. We paid over $600 for five nights stay in an Amish- built log cabin, which featured two queen beds, indoor-plumbing and a nice porch in a pine forest. We didn’t […]
Wake up students: the Fed has too much power
Over the last few years, in light of all of the country’s financial troubles, there has been increasing interest and concern amongst Americans regarding the actions and policies of the United States’ central bank, the Federal Reserve. Oddly enough, many (if not most) people are not really sure what the […]
Not all women should reproduce
MTV shows “Teen Mom” and “16 and Pregnant” have been under constant fire for being mindless shows that misrepresent pregnancy. They have been called bad influences, horrible and have also been put under the branch of television that is known as idiotic reality television. I would like to point out there […]
Senators walking out in Wisconsin, Indiana need to get back to work
The state of Wisconsin is just like the rest of the country: broke. If the Wisconsin Democratic state senators have anything to do with it, it’s going to stay that way. Scott Walker, recently elected state governor, has proposed a “Budget Repair” bill that is meant to help decrease the […]
Where’s the dislike button?
Though fun at first, social networking sites have long since become a breeding ground for narcissism, drama, and the popular trend of the digital anti-resume. For months I cruised through Facebook’s attractive honeymoon phase, chatting with friends and dabbling on Farmville. Now every time I read through the news feed […]
Can’t censor history
Mark Twain has been quoted as saying, "Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it." Twain is probably rolling in his grave at the news that his classic novel, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," is being censored for use in elementary […]
TSA pat-downs are a necessary evil
The Travel Security Administration (TSA), part of the Department for Homeland Security, has been catching flack for their increased security measures at airports. Many travelers have given their airport security horror stories to the news media. They complained of being “groped,” “fondled,” or “singled out.” These are all valid complaints […]