Well, folks. This is my last advice column of this academic year.
I know, you’re all in tears, torn to pieces about the end of this fantastic journey. But do not fret, as I will be back next fall to share advice with you all.
Seeing as we are near the end of a wonderful winter semester, perhaps we should cover tips on how to enjoy your summer break.
Most of you will be enjoying the sun and the warmth away from the confines of your home, maybe on a beach somewhere or traveling across the country.
My advice for you who are doing this is be aware of your surroundings. The world has become a dangerous place, filled with people trying to scam and harm you.
For those taking classes during the spring and summer semesters, good for you. These classes are a great way to get caught up on your way to a successful educational career.
I have taken classes in the spring and summer, and while my brain was rushed through vast amounts of information in a short amount of time, I have thoroughly enjoyed going through that experience.
My advice for those taking classes in the spring and summer is to try to absorb what you can. There is a lot of information and it may overload you faster than you think. These classes are available for you to succeed, so take them and enjoy.
For those staying home or working after the semester is over, I would try to enjoy the time off as much as you can. You worked hard during the school year, and you are allowed to take a break.
You should try to find something to do. Boredom has led to many stupid decisions and often lapses in judgment. Try to find something to take up the excess free time you may have, be it video games, chores, hanging out with friend, or something else worthwhile.
I wish you all a fantastic break, hoping to hear from you in the future.
Plan ahead to the next years of your academic careers. A well-laid course through life is better than frolicking about, not knowing the dangers that lay ahead.
Until next year, people!