

Problems with political correctness

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees Americans, among other liberties, the freedom of speech.  The right to express oneself without fear of repression or being sent away for re-education is a basic tenet, not only of this country, but should be a basic right of mankind.  “Wait […]


Holidays stressful, yet beautiful

Depending on the type of person you are, you either love or hate fall in Michigan. Some love the idea of fall and all that it brings. I am one of these people. I love all warm drinks, the look and sound of the leaves crunching when I walk my […]


Be careful when choosing courses to transfer

Figuring out what classes I need to take that will transfer to a university is like a game of hide-and-seek, depending on what university I decide to transfer to. Luckily, I can use the Michigan Transfer Agreement to transfer my basic credits to any university in Michigan. Students who plan […]


Offline Dating

Tinder. OkCupid. Match.      These are the ways we meet others. Everyone has used them, and most of us actively use them. But it raises some good questions. When did we move away from face-to-face interaction. And furthermore, why?      When was the last time you […]


Retarded is not an adjective

As a society, we have become desensitized to words and images that should affect us. We act without thinking, speak without knowing, and create harmful habits simply because we aren’t inclined to care about how our words effect other people. We are all guilty of this and maybe we don’t […]


Tips for how to relax this summer

Well, folks. This is my last advice column of this academic year. I know, you’re all in tears, torn to pieces about the end of this fantastic journey. But do not fret, as I will be back next fall to share advice with you all. Seeing as we are near […]


New Net Neutrality Laws

So what is Net Neutrality, and what does it mean for you? Net Neutrality, loosely defined, is the term for when all internet traffic is treated equally. This is what we currently have. The internet is not defined as a public utility by the FCC. This means that the standardization […]


Freshman advice uncensored

Your first year at community college can be tough. Since I’ve largely forgotten mine, I assume it was totally traumatic or maybe even completely benign. Either way, I’ve compiled some useful information to guide you through it. My objective is to provide you with the tools to have a successful […]


Amish vacation ruined by imported goods

My family and I took our vacation this year to Shipshewana, Indiana, one of the nation’s largest Amish populations. We paid over $600 for five nights stay in an Amish- built log cabin, which featured two queen beds, indoor-plumbing and a nice porch in a pine forest. We didn’t […]


Wake up students: the Fed has too much power

Over the last few years, in light of all of the country’s financial troubles, there has been increasing interest and concern amongst Americans regarding the actions and policies of the United States’ central bank, the Federal Reserve. Oddly enough, many (if not most) people are not really sure what the […]