
There is no better time to be a journalist

One of the highlights of being on The Agora is attending the College Media Association Convention in New York City. 

There are many ways to get involved while attending MCCC.

You can join the Student Government, become a Writing Fellow, or a Student Ambassador.

All of these groups provide wonderful experiences and camaraderie.

However, if you want to be a part of something that looks good on your resume while allowing you to gain experience while still having fun, The Agora may be just the place for you.

When I decided to join MCCC’s student newspaper last year, I was full of questions and uncertainty.

“’What if my writing isn’t good enough?’ ‘What if the staff doesn’t like me,’ or the always relatable, ‘How am I going to find the time?’”

I can say, without hesitation, that joining The Agora is one of the best decisions I have ever made.

If you are worried that your writing may not be good enough, it may ease your mind to know that writing for a student newspaper is very different from writing for class.

Yes, there are rules, and you may have to do the occasional serious piece, but one of the great aspects of The Agora is that you get to write about issues that matter to you.

I have covered everything from politics in the classroom, to feminism, to the retirement of one of my favorite professors.

You get to throw MLA formatting out the window. Paragraphs in journalism get straight to the point. Sounds good, huh?

When it comes to the staff, you won’t find a better group than the writers and artists of The Agora.

We represent a wide age range with varying backgrounds. Some of us are liberal, some are conservative. The diversity of our beliefs is one of our greatest strengths.

There’s something about working towards a common goal that brings people together.

Though we do get down to business, especially when we are working to put out an issue, I’ve never laughed harder than with members of The Agora.

I’ve met some of my best friends here.

Time is the one that can be tricky. Part of being a successful college student (and successful at life in general), is learning how to manage your time.

One of the nice aspects of working for The Agora is that you will always know when your story is due. It can also be a problem, especially if you are prone to procrastinating (not that I know anything about that.)

When I started at The Agora, just about a year ago, I had never taken a journalism class or written for a newspaper – student or otherwise.

I wanted to be a part of The Agora because I think journalism is a great way to create change.

I once heard the quote “Writing can’t change the world overnight, but writing may have an enormous effect over time, over the long haul,” by Leslie Marmon Silko. It struck me like a thunderbolt.

Joining The Agora may not change your life overnight, but it will have an effect on it.

Like anything in life, what you put in determines what you get out.