MCCC students may come across a course in the Fall 2011 catalog that looks fairly new. That course, College Success Skills 145 (COLL 145), is designed to help students understand how to succeed in college. “The course has been offered in the past and was reactivated for the Fall 2011 […]
Other News
MCCC students take part in archaeological dig
There’s one class at MCCC that isn’t afraid to get dirty. An archeheological field study course offered at MCCC over the spring semester has brought students out of the classroom and into the dirt of two archeological dig sites, where students have discovered hundreds of artifacts as well as the […]
Wake up students: the Fed has too much power
Over the last few years, in light of all of the country’s financial troubles, there has been increasing interest and concern amongst Americans regarding the actions and policies of the United States’ central bank, the Federal Reserve. Oddly enough, many (if not most) people are not really sure what the […]
X-Tech features look at Career Tech Center
MCCC’s new technology center is not scheduled to begin construction until July, but a bevy of people got their first glimpse of what the new technology center would look like, as well as what it would offer. “A lot of paperwork needs to be completed at the state […]
GSA holds Day of Silence
Members of MCCC’s Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) silenced themselves on Friday, April 15 in a demonstration to raise awareness of bullying. The demonstration, known as the Day of Silence, took place in the A building outside of the Admissions Office. Several club members tied an array of colorful bandanas around […]
How MCCC clubs are making a difference
Clubs and programs at MCCC are trying to make a global impact, and you can take part. From the recent Japanese crisis to the ongoing issue of starvation and poverty, MCCC students and employees are creating easy ways for others to make a difference as well. International Studies Club: […]
Japan faces new dangers, struggles
An earthquake, tsunami, nuclear crisis, and more than 400 aftershock quakes over 5.0 magnitude – now Japan, and the world, face yet another danger: radiation. Radioactive material, in greater levels than previously thought, has leaked from the stricken Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant every day since April 5, said data released […]
Opportunities available for studying abroad
Not much else can put the edge on a resume like a study abroad program – but there are so many options. One option, run through the MCCC International Studies program, is the study abroad trip every two years, which includes three weeks overseas and three weeks in class […]
Community college education can compete
Community colleges always have faced the question – do students get as good a start on their college education as they would at four-year universities? It’s a natural concern. After all, Monroe County Community College doesn’t have ivy-colored walls, famous lecturers, or Greek letters on big houses. There’s no championship […]
Advice on being a military girlfriend
Many women have been dealing with husbands, sons, and boyfriends leaving them to join the military. My boyfriend recently left for the Marine Corps. It is a lot harder to deal with than many people think. I am going to give some advice on how to survive a significant other […]