Cheyanne Abel’s winning design for the Earth Science / Geology window (Art courtesy of Cheyanne Abel) While many of us at MCCC hope to leave behind some kind of lasting impression,there are five students whose contribution to the school will be enjoyed for generations to come. For the past few […]
Author: Vanessa Ray
New Chemistry class, including lab, to be taught online
A Chemistry 151 student performs an experiment. Starting next fall, students will have the option of taking their Chemistry lab online. MCCC is breaking new ground with its first online laboratory course. After an hour of contentious debate on Thursday, Nov. 30, Chemistry 155 was approved by the Curriculum Committee. […]
Writing Fellows available during extended library hours
Writing Fellow Ryleigh Byrne sits in the library ready to help. The MCCC library will be open until 9 p.m. the rest of this week — Nov. 28 – 30 — in order to accomodate students working on papers or studying for exams. For the first time, there will be […]
Students, staff give thanks
Speech professor Mark Bergmooser prompts students to write what they are thankful for on his whiteboard hanging outside his office door. (Photo by Leah Thomas) I truly have a billion things to be thankful for: getting a second chance at a higher education (and life in general), […]
Black Friday | Cyber Monday
Welcome everyone to the holiday madness also known as Black Friday. In an effort to make both this day (which has almost become a type of gladiator blood sport) and it’s kinder, gentler little sister -Cyber Monday – a bit more bearable, we here at the Agora have assembled a […]
It’s The End of Asgard as We Know It, and Thor Feels Fine
Chris Hemsworth plays the titular role of Thor The “Thor” movies have always felt like the black sheep of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The first film was released at a time when the mega-franchise was in its infancy, before Marvel Studios was willing to lean into risky endeavors like […]
Community member requests sports programs at MCCC
Community member Brian Lamour requesting MCCC look into reviving its defunct sports program at the Oct. 23 Board of Trustees meeting. Lamour spoke about the popularity of sports in Monroe County, citing the success of area wrestling, tennis, volleyball, softball, and football teams. SMCC women’s tennis coach Wayne Asher […]
Breast Cancer Awareness
Student Government members Rachel Fowler, Jaynie Gauthier, and Kaitlin Foley raised funds for breast cancer research. Every October, many people wear pink to remind us breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women. Wednesday, Oct. 18 members of Student Government, all decked out in pink, held […]
Business professional attire drive
Donating unwanted “work” attire could help jump start someone else’s future. If you’ve been thinking of parting ways with that two sizes too small dress, or the rack of ties that sits in the back of your closet, now is the perfect time. The MCCC Community Service Club has made […]
Study abroad teaches memorable lessons
Both groups from MCCC spent the day in Rome and took a group photo in front of the the Flumi Fountain. (Photo courtesy of Dan Shaw) A group of MCCC students and professors set their sights last spring far beyond the four walls of a classroom. The 18-day Study Abroad […]