
Community member requests sports programs at MCCC


Community member Brian Lamour requesting MCCC look into reviving its defunct sports program at the Oct. 23 Board of Trustees meeting.

Lamour spoke about the popularity of sports in Monroe County, citing the success of area wrestling, tennis, volleyball, softball, and football teams.

SMCC women’s  tennis coach Wayne Asher followed up by reiterating the positive elements to consider when implementing a sports team.

He spoke of how it could help with enrollment, school spirit, and retention.

Asher pointed out how Lamour’s son would have attended MCCC had there been a baseball team – a sentiment echoed by many of his both current, and former tennis players.

Asher also reiterated Lamour’s comment on area talent by pointing out how Monroe County is full of high caliber athletes.

“It’s a hotbed for talent,” Asher said.

President Kojo Quartey thanked Lamour and Asher, and said starting up an MCCC sports program is something he would like to discuss further.

After the discussion on starting a sports program, the meeting went back to its agenda.

Nursing professor Nicole Gardner was granted a sabbatical for the Winter 2018 semester so she could complete dissertation research required to achieve a doctorate degree in Nursing.