Green Party representative Paul Honeniuk, Democrat Representative Brandon Dillon, and Libertarian representative Ken Proctor discuss the issues. Political party panelists explained the U.S. Constitution to MCCC students, faculty, and Monroe residents on Constitution Day. History professor Edmund LaClair moderated the panel, held at the Meyer Theater Sept. 15. He asked […]
Author: Miranda Gardner
Summer blockbusters disappoint while gems go unnoticed
Popstar starring Andy Samberg is a fantastic movie many missed. There is no tip-toeing around this. This past summer movie season was a disappointment to say the least. There were films that fell short of their hype (Jason Bourne and Suicide Squad), films that were made despite little enthusiasm […]
Information to help new students succeed.
Students enjoy themselves at the 2016 Back to School BBQ. (Photo by Vanessa Ray). One of the more stressful parts of starting college is the “not knowing.” When I began taking classes here at MCCC, I was perpetually overwhelmed by the feeling of having no idea what I was doing. […]
Clubs on campus recruiting for new school year
Student Government is just one of the many groups that students can join. (Photo by Vanessa Ray). The “college experience” is an idea that many students might not think they are able to get on a small community college campus, like MCCC. However there are actually many different ways to […]