Student Government is just one of the many groups that students can join. (Photo by Vanessa Ray).
The “college experience” is an idea that many students might not think they are able to get on a small community college campus, like MCCC.
However there are actually many different ways to get involved around campus.
One of the best ways is to join one of the many clubs, which range from Student Government to the International Studies Club, or the Gay Straight Alliance.
Student government meetings set.
As part of the effort to get students more engaged with the campus, a number of new clubs have been proposed.
Tom Ryder, Campus Community Events/Student Activities coordinator, thinks it is valuable for students to participate in extracurricular activities.
“Clubs give students that chance and makes their time at MCCC much more enjoyable,” Ryder said.
Among the new clubs that have been proposed are DECA, a marketing club, FFA, an agriculture club, and intramural sports. In order for these clubs to be successful, there must be student interest.
Anyone can propose a new club. A minimum of five students are needed, along with a faculty advisor. For more information, contact Tom Ryder at (734) 384-4201.
“Should we be able to begin/continue some of these activities, it would help us further engage our students, which would lead to better retention,” MCCC President Kojo Quartey said.
MCCC clubs and organizations
The Monroe County Community College Accounting Association:
For information, contact Accounting professor Parnella Baul at 734-384-4289
The Agora student newspaper and website
Students interested in getting involved with The Agora should contact Journalism professor Dan Shaw at (734) 384-4296.
The MCCC Student Ambassador Club:
For information, contact Tom Ryder at tryder@monroeccc.edu or by calling 734-384-4201.
American Association of University Women:
For information, contact Sociology professor Teri Kovach at tkovach@monroeccc.edu or by calling 734-384-4161.
Archaeological Society of MCCC:
For information, contact Anthropology professor Ken Mohney at kmohney@monroeccc.edu or by calling 734-384-4232.
Ballroom Dance Club:
Contact Kellie Lajiness at klajiness@monroeccc.edu for information.
The Black Student Advancement Association:
For information, contact Anthony Quinn at aquinn@monroeccc.edu or by calling 734-384-4289.
The Circle K Club:
For information, contact Psychology professor Patrick Wise at pwise@monroeccc.edu or by calling 734-384-4298.
College/Community Agora Chorale:
For information, contact Catherine Brodie at cbrodie@monroeccc.edu.
College/Community Symphony Band:
Admission is by application and audition to the director.
For information, contact Mark Felder at (734) 289-5555.
Criminal Justice Club:
Interested students should contact Social Sciences professor Jennifer Miller at jmmiller@monroeccc.edu.
Visit their Web site at http://www.monroeccc.edu/criminaljustice/.
Culinary Club:
For information, contact Chef Kevin Thomas at (734) 384-4150.
Drama Club:
Contact Kellie Lajiness at klajiness@monroeccc.edu for information.
Gay/Straight Alliance:
For more information, check out their web site at http://www.monroeccc.edu/gsa/.
International Studies Club:
For information, contact Political Science professor Joanna Sabo at 734-384-4297.
International Students for Social Equality:
For information, contact English professor Terry Telfer at (734) 384-4156.
Lambda Alpha Nu:
For information, contact CIS professor William Hilliker at (734) 384-4148.
Math and Science Society (MASS):
Contact Chemistry professor Lori Bean at (734) 384-4131. Visit their web site at www.monroeccc.edu/mass.
Military Veterans United:
Interested students should contact Counselor Steve Mapes at (734) 384-4262.
This club is a non-demoninational Bible Study Group. Interested students should contact Brenda Kraus at (734) 242-7300, extension 5772. Visit their web site at www.monroeccc.edu/oasis/
Phi Theta Kappa – Tau Omicron Chapter:
This is the international honor society for community colleges.
For information, contact Lauren Pillarelli (734) 384-4303 or Jamie DeLeeuw (734) 384-4237.
The Psychology Interest Group:
Contact Psychology professors Patrick Wise at (734) 384-4298 or Melissa Grey at (734) 384-4292.
Respiratory Therapy Students’ Organization:
Open to all students who have been accepted to the Respiratory Therapy Program
Contact Respiratory Therapy Director Nicholas Prush (734) 384-4268.
SME Robotics:
For more information please contact Technology professor Bob Leonard at (734)384-4114
Student Nurse Association (SNA):
Open to all students who have been accepted into the Nursing Program
Contact Nursing professor Dawn Lymond at dlymond@monroeccc.edu.
The MCCC Service Club:
For more information, please contact Financial Aid Director Valerie Culler at vculler@monroeccc.edu or by calling 734-384-4139.
The Upward Bound Alumni Club:
Contact Charles Friedline at cfriedline@monroeccc.edu or by calling (734) 869-7199.