Other News


Students react to U.S. troop withdrawal

MCCC students are having mixed reactions to the end of Operation Iraqi Freedom. After President Barack Obama upheld his campaign promise of ending the six year military war, students at MCCC are thinking about several different aspects of the war and who it has affected. Patricia Austin, 18, thinks of […]


China college visits MCCC to discuss partnerships

Six delegates from a Chinese college visited MCCC to discuss an international partnership. The president and five professors from Ningbo City College of Vocational Technology traded ideas Wednesday, Sept. 22, with MCCC administrators and faculty on possible exchange programs. The idea of an international partnership started when Randy Daniels, vice […]


Faculty negotiations go to mediator

MCCC’s faculty and administration have decided to bring in the assistance of a state mediator to help with the ongoing contract negotiations. “The job of the mediator is to sift through all the chaff and figure out what all the real issues are,” Dr. Patrick Nedry, chief negotiator for the […]


Whitman Center to host lecture on sex trafficking

Twenty-two miles from Monroe lies a city with a secret. Toledo is ranked fourth in the country for the most child prostitution and human trafficking, behind Miami, Portland, Ore., and Las Vegas. Dr. Celia Williamson, a world renowned expert on human trafficking, said she is trying to put a stop […]


Microsoft Kinect vs. Sony Move

Motion-sensor gaming, buttons or body? At this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), both Microsoft and Sony unveiled the latest in video game technology. Microsoft announced the upcoming Kinect for Xbox 360, which is a motion sensor that uses your body as the controller. All you have to do is simply […]


The era of sequels and remakes

I’m beginning to think that all of Hollywood’s best and worst classic films, which we’ve loved to grin or cringe at, are being slowly replaced by Pods. For those who haven’t seen 1956’s “Invasion of the Body Snatchers,” or its four remakes and two parodies, Pod People are the human […]


MCCC students enjoy annual Welcome Back Barbeque

MCCC’s Student Government helped to celebrate the new school year with its annual Welcome Back Barbeque. The purpose of the barbeque was to welcome students and wish them a good semester, Tom Ryder said as he tossed miniature footballs to passersby. The grassy area east of the La-Z-Boy center was littered […]


Monroe gets homegrown sitcom

Monroe Public Access Cable TV (MPACT) will be airing its first home-grown comedic sitcom on Tuesday Sept. 28 at 9 p.m. The cast and crew of this bi-monthly television show, appropriately named Public Access, are made up of some familiar faces to Monroe County Community College. One of MCCC’s own […]


MCCC employee and former student dies

Kimberly Reaume, 27, an administrative assistant in the Financial Aid office, died unexpectedly Friday night after battling a long-term illness. Reaume was a former MCCC student, and, during her time at the college, worked part-time as a student assistant after class. “Helping students seek financial aid was her forte,” college […]


MCCC reaches record enrollment

As a result of Michigan’s struggling economy, MCCC has reached a record enrollment of 4,723 students for the fall semester. “Michigan’s economy has crashed, and MCCC is one of the key first responders in our region and in the state,” MCCC president David Nixon said. “The students are coming to […]