During the Board of Trustees meeting Feb. 26, the conversation of restroom policies at MCCC made a return with more than just students feeling a concern for safety. President Kojo Quartey said he reached out to GSA advisors following the Jan. 22 meeting, receiving no response. During that meeting several […]
Other News
Board of Trustees meeting: Feb. 26, 2024
The Board of Trustees meeting was held Monday, Feb. 26. Crowd members spoke in support of the LGBTQ+ community.
Transphobia on campus cannot be ignored any longer
Bigotry at MCCC is blatantly disregarded
I assumed there would be another batch of protesters at this Board of Trustees meeting. I expected a new round of foolishness and asinine arguments. I genuinely expected to sit back and listen to protester after protester cry about their self-victimization and supposed threatened safety caused by a trans person […]
Robin West Smith’s journey to empowerment
The little girl stood next to her mother at the bus stop, waiting to go to a second-hand clothes store. The snow gently fell and as she looked to the sky, her sight landed on her mother who had tears rolling down her face. She knew her thoughts. Being on […]
How an apprentice house painter became a world-renowned landscape artist
Presentation about Robert S. Duncanson's art held on campus
Murals hidden behind wallpaper, a tour around Europe, a painting made for a king and one hanging during the president’s inauguration. The story of Robert S. Duncanson paints a picture of a man who started as an apprentice house painter, but chose to pursue landscape painting and had remarkable success […]
37th annual Big Gig! held in Meyer Theater
Blues and jazz music lovers stood in line for more than an hour to attend The Big Gig! Monroe County’s 37th annual Black History Month blues concert. The free event, held at MCCC’s Meyer Theater, featured the Rev. Robert B. Jones Sr., Laith Al-Saadi and The Bobby Murray All-Star Revue. […]
Improvements made to Early Alert System
The Early Alert System at MCCC has been revamped and success rates are increasing, according to Dean of Students Gerald McCarty in a recent press conference. With the hiring of Angela Acosta as a student retention specialist in December 2023, McCarty, an administrator with more than 30 years of experience, […]
“How Enslaved People Gained an Education” presentation held by local author
A history lesson about the love of learning and how gaining an education was worth risking one’s life is what historian and author Anthony Brogdon presented to an audience Tuesday afternoon. Brogdon gave a presentation on his book, “Black Business Book: Over 200 Facts With Emphasis on the History of […]
Visiting artist series set to return to campus
Local award-winning artist and alumnus of MCCC will be visiting campus on Feb. 27, according to a news release. Artist David Larkins will be hosting a workshop/demonstration in Founders Hall, room F-126, from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. followed by a presentation in the La-Z-Boy Center Atrium from 6:30 to 8:00 […]
The Forum: Gabby Forrester, Alex Schmitt and Brianna Pilz
The Forum is the Agora’s interview show. This episode, we interviewed Gabby Forrester, Alex Schmitt and Brianna Pilz about MCCC’s upcoming play “PUFFS: or, Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic (One Act for Young Wizards Edition).” The show is scheduled to run at 6 […]