Link, the Bernese Mountain dog, cuddles Delaney Vanover as she snaps a picture. Furry Finals was a success. Student Government and The Psychology Interest Group partnered with Therapy Dogs International Chapter 3017 to bring furry friends to campus during finals week. The event featured four therapy dogs, hot chocolate, and […]
Author: Leah Thomas
Art voting is postponed
Due to lack of entries, the student and faculty voting for the art contest is tentative. Jack Burns, director of Campus Facilities, organized a competition for art and graphic design students to have a chance to display their designs in one of the windows in the new student space in […]
Classes relocate due to construction noise
Construction noise has been distracting some students and professors. Construction crews were able to stop work when classes started earlier in the semester because the sun rose earlier. Now they have to work through the morning to stay on schedule, said Jack Burns, director of Campus Planning and Facilities. “Construction […]
MCCC will display student art in student space
MCCC graphic design and art students will compete to display their work in the new student space in the L Building. Jack Burns, director of campus facilities, said Echo Etching is partnering with the Physical Plant department to bring student art to life. “I talked to them on the phone […]
Tech division promotes MCCC’s technology programs
MCCC welcomed high school students from around the county to see what career opportunities in technology it has to offer. On Tuesday, Oct. 24, the Applied Science and Engineering Technology division hosted X-TECH. This event gave CTE students a chance to explore Professional Trades/Occupational Programs in the fields of […]
MCCC hosts forum for Monroe City Council candidates
The 2017 Monroe City Council Candidate Forum will give community members a chance to meet the candidates and learn some of their opinions on issues in the city. The Agora will sponsor the forum, which is on Wednesday, Nov. 1 at 7 p.m. in the La-Z-Boy Center. Vanessa Ray, the […]
Minors on campus may present challenges
Minors on college campuses may have a bad rap, but the young students at MCCC seem to be some of the best students. There are 707 students under 18 enrolled in MCCC classes; that means about one out of every four students is a minor. Minors attend college for a […]
We are the Huskies
Huskies may make a comeback. Student Ambassadors are working to reintroduce MCCC’s mascot, the Huskies. Student Ambassadors are student leaders who commit to attend college events and reach out to prospective students. Jessica Ryder, the former vice president of Student Ambassadors, began the challenge of reviving the mascot and Katie […]
Construction continues on MCCC campus
Workers lay the foundation for the new student study area in the L Buildiings. A construction project that will transform the MCCC campus has begun. The heating and cooling system was completed over the summer, but the construction did not stop there. The first phase of the $25 million renovation […]
Board recognizes change in faculty
The board of trustees recognized the continual change in MCCC faculty. At the April 24 meeting, the board recognized retirements, welcomed new hires, reviewed the budget, and listened to progress reports for the agriculture program and HVAC renovations. Board member Jim DeVries read the resolution of commendation for English professor […]