Link, the Bernese Mountain dog, cuddles Delaney Vanover as she snaps a picture.
Furry Finals was a success.
Student Government and The Psychology Interest Group partnered with Therapy Dogs International Chapter 3017 to bring furry friends to campus during finals week.
The event featured four therapy dogs, hot chocolate, and cookies from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the A Building on Dec. 6.
“How can you beat dogs and cookies?” said Student Government advisor Tom Ryder.
Faculty, professors, and students stopped in to pet the pups.
Ryder guesses 250 to 300 people filtered through the room in two hours.
“It’s been steady all day,” he said.
Link, the Bernese Mountain dog, quickly became the students’ favorite.
He laid on the ground with legs in the air while multiple students huddled around him taking pictures and petting his belly.
“We hope they do it again next week,” said student Megan Engle. “It makes me so happy.”
After a successful pilot program, Ryder said Student Government members are willing to sponsor the event every semester.
“It gets the students to unwind,” he said.