Deciding to stay in college to prepare for a better future, or instead, take on more work to provide for immediate financial needs, is a difficult dilemma, especially amid the hardships of the worldwide COVID–19 pandemic. MCCC student Emilee Breitner said when MCCC went virtual she had to share laptop […]
Tag: financial aid
MCCC Bookstore Moves to eCampus
The MCCC Bookstore that has helped students get the resources they need for their classes soon will not house books any longer. Students have no reason to worry because the bookstore will be replaced with a website set up through eCampus just in time for the upcoming Summer Semester. The […]
Late-start courses for Winter Semester shows hope for program’s future
The Winter 2021 Semester may have begun Jan. 8, but there are some students at MCCC who have just started courses through the late-start course program. Winter Semester late-start courses began Feb. 1 and will run for twelve weeks rather than the 8-week-long schedule that was used in the 2020 […]
The Foundation focuses on student success
The impact of COVID-19 has inspired The Foundation at MCCC to be more focused on students than ever before. The Foundation is a charitable organization that supports over 50 initiatives led by MCCC faculty and Foundation staff. In 2020, The Foundation established the Emergency Relief Fund. According to The Foundation’s […]
Michigan offers free tuition for essential workers
Essential workers have the opportunity to get free college tuition at MCCC for up to four years. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer first proposed the Futures for Frontliners Programs in April 2020 which would offer free post-secondary education to those who worked on the frontlines during the stay-at-home order. This initiative was […]
CARES Act aids both students and campus
The college still has over $395,000 to give away to students. MCCC was granted $1.3 million for COVID-19 relief on April 9. First passed by Congress and signed in to law by the president on March 27, The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act gives $2.2 trillion to Americans […]
CARES Act provides funds for students affected by coronavirus
MCCC students affected by the coronavirus will receive funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act. The CARES Act was passed March 27 and will provide money to American workers, families, small businesses and students impacted by the virus. “This over $2 trillion economic relief package is designed […]