

Restoring Classroom Interaction

When classes first went virtual, a large part of what made college great was gone. I was shy when starting my first semester at MCCC. Starting college and being in a new environment in general can be nerve-wracking for some, and I was included in that group. Yet, over the […]

Entertainment Opinion

Agora’s favorite festive holiday films

Klaus If you’re looking for a cozy family-friendly movie to enjoy this Christmas season, “Klaus” is the movie for you. “Klaus,” a 2019 film available to watch on Netflix, takes on the origin of Santa Claus. After fumbling his way through postman academy, spoiled and lazy Jesper (Jason Schwartzman) graduates […]

Cryptid Corner Opinion

Cryptid Corner: The Wendigo

The snow has begun falling. A thick layer of white powder covers the forest floor like a cloth readying an item for a magician’s vanishing trick. Snow crunches underfoot as you walk through the wood, the only sound audible in the otherwise frozen wasteland. But something feels off. Yet, in […]


A silent moderating struggle behind the screen

It was Oct. 16 at 5:30 p.m. when I sat in front of my laptop. In 30 minutes MCCC would be hosting a Q&A forum for some community candidate positions over Zoom. Meanwhile, the rest of the moderator team and I would be working through Teams. It had been months […]


A surprisingly quiet election night

I was pleasantly surprised when I arrived at my voting precinct. 2020 has been a chaotic struggle of a year, and I expected Nov. 3 to be the same. To my surprise, my voting precinct was rather quiet and orderly from noon to 7 p.m. As a voter I was […]

Cryptid Corner Opinion

Cryptid Corner: The Dark Watchers

There are animals which lurk in the shadows. There are people who lurk in the shadows. But what can be done when the shadows are the ones who lurk around us? Hidden among the forestry of hilltops and rocky shores, the Dark Watchers loom over humanity, casting their judging eyes […]


How I learned to cut the cable cord and embrace YouTube

I don’t watch any TV shows on a regular basis. That might be expected if I’m busy during the semester, but it’s been the case for well over a year now. Not long ago, I had shows I looked forward to watching every weekday night when a new episode released. […]

Entertainment Opinion

Can video games be considered art?

In November of 2005, renowned film critic Roger Ebert incited a storm of criticism after stating that video games as a medium should not be considered “Art.” Ebert said, “To my knowledge, no one in or out of the field has ever been able to cite a game worthy of […]


Why are we being watched?

I am being recorded while taking tests for my online course. With this semester’s online format being new to most everyone, there are certain changes to the course formula that have taken time to get used to. I’ve learned to expect and adapt to the increase in busy work and […]

Entertainment Opinion

Agora podcast picks to perk you up

My Brother, My Brother and Me If you’re looking for a simple advice show, well, look elsewhere. “My Brother, My Brother and Me” is an advice show for the “modren” era. Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy, are just three brothers who started a podcast and their advice should never be […]