Community Librarian Suzanne Krueger unveils this year's book (Photo by Vanessa Ray) One Book, One Community (OBOC) has enjoyed countywide support for the past 12 years. The mystery behind the next book is part of the excitement. On Sept. 13, those wondering what the 2018 choice would be got their […]
Tag: Vanessa Ray
This is not a drill
Students in one of the designated shelters in the L Building check their phones. (Photo by Miranda Gardner.) What was at first thought to be a routine tornado drill turned out to be the real thing. A tornado alarm went off Tuesday, Aug. 29, about 3:20 p.m., as classes were […]
Fall 2017 semester officially underway
MCCC Student Government members Katie Vandenbrink, Aidan Higgins, and Javed Peracha show off their dance moves. Summer vacation has come to an end. August 23 marked the first day of classes at MCCC. The mood on campus was upbeat and hopeful as many students congregated outside in hopes of enjoying […]
Students and faculty join actors on stage for Poetry Alive!
Poetry Alive! actors Brian Knox and Hank Brannocle embrace after a fantastic performance, Through dramatic readings, Poetry Alive! actors introduce audiences to new and exciting ways to experience poetry. On April 6, the MCCC Introduction to Humanities students sponsored a Poetry Alive! performance in the Little Theater. Professors and students […]
Student’s organize political information event
Students Alexa Angel and Avery Hanes represent Joe Bellino, Republican candidate for state representative. An MCCC student-organized political information forum was held on Tuesday, Oct. 4. The event was created so students, many of whom will be voting in their first major election, could talk to candidates face-to-face. The event […]
Information to help new students succeed.
Students enjoy themselves at the 2016 Back to School BBQ. (Photo by Vanessa Ray). One of the more stressful parts of starting college is the “not knowing.” When I began taking classes here at MCCC, I was perpetually overwhelmed by the feeling of having no idea what I was doing. […]