Sonic the Hedgehog and friends are once again tasked with saving the world when Dr. Robotnik finds his way off the Mushroom Planet and back to earth. Bringing in 71 million dollars domestically over opening weekend, “Sonic the Hedgehog 2” broke the record of its predecessor “Sonic the Hedgehog” by […]
Tag: Sonic the Hedgehog
The ‘Blue Blur’ does it again
New Square Enix platformer ‘Balan Wonderworld’ lacks wonder and fun
Spending money on most AAA games seems like it can cost an arm and a leg for college students with a $60 price tag. However, most of the time this expense is made up for by the quality and duration of the game in question. That is not how “Balan […]
Sonic the Hedgehog has my heart racing
This article may contain spoilers for “Sonic the Hedgehog.” On a Valentine’s Day, dinner and a movie is always a classic option to fall back on for date night. However, you might have waltzed your way into the theater only to come eye to eye with a cardboard display of […]
New hedgehog, new chili dog
With the recent release of “Sonic the Hedgehog,” fans had been questioning whether or not the speedster’s iconic love of chili dogs would make an appearance in the movie. The speed demon’s love for the food originated in 1993 on the “Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog” cartoon. From there, all […]