The smell of pasta and fresh bread filled the air as members of the Monroe County area gathered to support an annual reading program. One Book, One Community (OBOC) hosted its sixth celebrity waiter event Feb. 17. Cheryl Johnston, a former MCCC employee, chaired the event. Johnston said a venue […]
Author: Todd Salisbury
‘Dog Loves Books’ performs at Meyer Theater
Over 850 elementary school kids from Monroe County came to MCCC’s Meyer Theater Feb. 25. The young students saw “Dog Loves Books,” a musical adapted from Louise Yates’ New York Times bestseller. The musical follows Dog, a dog who really loves books and decides to open his own bookstore. To […]
East West Tech renamed to honor college founders
The East and West Tech Buildings have a new name after the Board of Trustees meeting Feb. 24. The Board approved a recommendation from Kojo Quartey, MCCC president, that proposed renaming the two buildings Founders Hall. Sue Wetzel, vice president of Administration, said Founders Hall is supposed to honor the […]
MCCC to host study abroad meeting
The Study Abroad Program is scheduled to hold an informational meeting Feb. 18 and 20. The meetings will be held at 2 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. in room 165 of the Gerald Welch Health Education Building. The Study Abroad Program is scheduled to spend nine days visiting London and Paris […]
Quiz Answers
Answers to Black History Month Quiz See Feb. 3 issue of the Agora A. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. A. Harriet Tubman A. Thurgood Marshall A. Marcus Garvey B. 14th Amendment C. 1954 D. Greensboro, North Carolina B. Maya Angelou D. […]
‘UR FUN’ was not fun for my expectations
With a very select style of pop dominating the mainstream music scene, indie pop releases seem to go under the radar. Of Montreal is a band that debuted in 1996 and has incorporated elements of 1960’s psychedelic pop, indie rock, indie pop, alternative punk and dance rock through the years. […]
‘Because the Internet’ lasts through decade
With the decade over, it was time for me to reflect on my favorite album that dropped in the last 10 years. There were many options through the genres. A decade is a long time, especially for music. From rock to alternative, indie to K-pop, my music taste grew exponentially. […]
A $5 crisis
When you are used to receiving a discount, the sight of that discount being taken away is scary. My scare was being off the Spotify Student discount. The thought of coughing up the ungodly amount of $9.99 a month plus tax — an amount which didn’t include Hulu and Showtime […]
MCCC graduates new class of nurses
MCCC’s Registered Nursing Program alumni base grew Dec. 18. 25 students were pinned as registered nurses at Meyer Theater Wednesday night in front of a crowd of over 50 people. “While I’m sure many of you wondered whether you were going to live through nursing school, you did,” said Kimberly […]
Campus hosts therapy dogs during finals
Over five therapy dogs were brought to campus Dec. 12 for the annual Furry Finals event. The event was held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the A Building and hosted Therapy Dogs International Chapter 307. “We visit folks to de-stress and calm people down,” said Stephanie Suydam, a […]