The beginning of the Fall 2020 Semester saw a large shift toward online or blended courses for MCCC because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Now, in response to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services emergency order on Nov. 15, all classes at MCCC have ceased on-campus meetings and continued remotely.
Starting Nov. 18 and lasting until Dec. 8, all MCCC courses aside from classes in the Health Division transitioned online to finish up the remainder of the semester remotely.
Joe Verkennes, director of Marketing and Communications, distributed a notice to staff and faculty covering the immediate changes.
“Classes in health areas will continue to be offered in-person but in small, socially distanced groups and employ the use of masks and/or other personal protection equipment,” Verkennes wrote in an email.
The MCCC campus will remain open, but MCCC President Kojo Quartey said as many employees as possible will be working remotely from home.
Regular COVID-19 protection protocols such as 6-foot social distancing and face mask use will continue to be enforced on campus.
As the duration of the online shift ends a week before the end of the Fall Semester, there has been no decision as to whether courses will resume on-campus for this brief period.
Grace Yackee, vice president of Instruction, said that there is a possibility face-to-face courses could resume, but faculty and division meetings are ongoing to determine the best course of action.
With fewer faculty, staff and students on campus, MCCC’s Market Twenty 4 Seven has elected to stock only soft drinks, coffee and snacks with a longer shelf life, said Kelly Heinzerling, director of Purchasing and Auxiliary Services.
Any updates or changes to campus protocol and Market Twenty 4 Seven availability will be sent out via email to students, faculty and staff.