MCCC Board of Trustees unanimously voted to raise non-resident and out of state/international tuition beginning in Fall 2017 semester.
At the March 27 board meeting, the board also discussed adding research review board, purchasing of a dynamometer, and supporting the Monroe County Bicentennial Alliance. They also recognized a retirement and announced the College Supporter of the Year.
The board agreed to raise non-resident tuition from $186 to $190 and out of state/international tuition from $207 to $211.50.
The tuition rates for residents of Monroe County will remain the same.
Board member Mary Kay Thayer was pleased to see the resident rates stay the same. She said it proves to the community that though the college has a tight budget, it is holding on.
The board passed the Human Subjects Institutional Review Board proposal.
Psychology professors Patrick Wise and Melissa Grey were interested in doing some research with human subjects.
“The federal government likes it when we have institutional review boards that actually look at the ethics of their different proposals,” said Jamie DeLeeuw, the coordinator of Institutional Research, Evaluation & Assessment.
Institutional review boards are set up in colleges to prevent ethical abuse in research.
“Having this IRB will allow faculty and students to engage in research endeavors whether it be something to save the children of maybe Mellissa Grey’s LBGTQ interventions,” DeLeeuw said. “It just allows you to conduct studies on human research from an ethical perspective.”
It will make sure participants are researching voluntarily and have a form of consent, she said.
This is an example of a form that would be sumbitted to the Human Subjects Institutional Review Board.
Class projects and informal student observations will be exempt.
The board agreed to help purchase a dynamometer for the Automotive Engineering, Automotive Service, and other allied programs in the division.
A dynamometer is an instrument that measures the power of output of an engine.
“We are getting a basic turn-key system,” said Peter Coomar, the dean of Applied Science and Engineering Technology Division.
“We add onto it every year.”
He said that the instrument would be able to use it for about 15 years until technology improves and it is no longer usable.
Secretary Aaron Mason said he supports the purchase because it is a major asset to the institution.
Chair Lynette Dowler read the resolution of the Bicentennial of Monroe County.
The Monroe County Bicentennial Alliance is planning the celebration of Monroe County’s 200-year anniversary. The board unanimously supported the committee’s efforts.
President Kojo Quartey said the college may host one of the events, but all plans are tentative.
The board recognized the retirement of administrative assistant to the director of the Library Denise Lewis. Christina Campbell replaced her and began working on March 20.
The board named the Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights the College Supporter of the Year award for their support of the millage.
The next MCCC Board of Trustees meeting will be held at the Whitman Center on April 24 at 6 p.m.