
Presentation approval delayed by board

Plans to approve the five-year capital outlay plan fell short after board members refused to vote.

The Board of Trustees met on Oct. 28, where Curtis Creagh, vice president of finance and administration, was scheduled to present MCCC’s five-year Capital Outlay Plan, which is a plan to prioritize construction and renovation on campus. However, board members refused to vote during that meeting, saying the presentation was more of an explanation to master plans rather than an actual outlay plan.

Nicole Goodman, secretary, said she would not vote at all.

“I will not be voting on this at all,” Goodman said. “I will not be doing a recommended motion, nor will I be voting on this, because nothing is currently presented well.”

Joel Spotts, trustee, said there was nothing to approve.

The Board of Trustees met Oct. 28, where they were asked to approve MCCC’s five-year plan. However, the board instead held a special meeting to review the plan after it was not presented correctly. (Photo by Mick Valentino)

“This is not a synopsis of a plan,” Spotts said. “This is explaining what a five year master plan is, and I think you said that, so there’s nothing to approve here.”

Creagh said the outlay plan is essentially the same as what had been approved the previous year, but with updated appendices.

Creagh said the five-year Capital Outlay Plan needed to be approved that day to be submitted to the state by Oct. 31. 

Since an immediate vote was needed, the board decided they would hold a special meeting to view and vote on the capital outlay plan, requesting Creagh provide a copy of the old plan next to a copy of the new plan with annotations describing the differences.

The special meeting was held Oct. 29 for the board to review an updated presentation, where the board unanimously approved the Capital Outlay Plan.