Editor’s note: This story was updated on Nov. 9 to correct an inaccurate title. Jenna Bazzell’s correct title is associate professor of English.
The Care Closet is a resource at MCCC that consists of items such as clothing, hygiene products and school supplies. Items are located in cabinets in the Safe Space, Room S-167.

Madison Stone and Daniel Spain, students at MCCC, have been leading the Care Closet initiative. They want the initiative to become a club but are in need of more people.
“We are trying to become an official club, so that’s why we need more members,” Stone said.
The Care Closet is accessible to students, faculty and staff at MCCC. Stone said it is available to anyone who may need various resources, and it is free and anonymous.
Stone started the Care Closet in the fall of 2022 and has been working toward expanding the project ever since.
Stone said various college faculty are involved, including Quri Wygonik, director of Institutional Research, Planning and Accreditation, and Nancy Lucero-Altamirano, assistant director of Multicultural and Community Engagement. She said Melissa Grey, professor of psychology, and Jenna Bazzell, associate professor of English, also helped start the initiative.
Stone said the Care Closet is available during school hours.
“As long as school’s open, it’s open,” Stone said.
Stone said the goal is for the project to be primarily donation-based, but they need club funding to purchase items when necessary.
Donations to the Care Closet can be delivered to the Student Government room, Room S-165, and placed in the office space.

Spain said some clothes donations can be previously worn, but items such as socks, underwear and hygiene products must be new and unopened.
Stone said the Care Closet is currently in need of winter clothing, general hygiene products and feminine hygiene products.
Spain said they are also taking suggestions for items people may need through a suggestion box.
“We’re really trying to get a feel for what’s needed on campus,” Spain said.
Stone said those involved in the Care Closet meet at 12:30 p.m. on Mondays in the Safe Space. For more information, contact Stone at mstone5@my.monroeccc.edu, Spain at dspain2@my.monroeccc.edu, Lucero-Altamirano at nlucero@monroeccc.edu, or Wygonik at qwygonik@monroeccc.edu.