
Maggie Sandefur, Editor

This is my second semester on the Agora and first as editor. Being on the Agora has been such a rewarding experience that teaches me more every day.

Maggie Sandefur

I’ve been attending Monroe County Middle College since 2020 and MCCC since 2022. I am currently working toward my Associate of Science degree and I will graduate in Spring 2025. I plan on studying journalism further after I graduate from MCCC.

Aside from being on the Agora, I’m currently an editor of my high school’s yearbook. I also work for the Monroe County Library System.

I like to write songs and play my guitar in my free time. I’m also interested in photography, which I’ve been doing for a few years now. 

I am happy to be working with such an incredible staff, and I’m looking forward to everything that comes with this semester.