What better place to have a party than in the Safe Space?
The Gender and Sexuality Alliance Club will be hosting a “Pride Party” on April 14 from 4:30 to 9 p.m. in Room S-165. The event is free and open to the public. Snacks will be provided.

Professor Melissa Grey said in an email the party is intended to be an embracing environment for everyone.
“The Pride Party comes from the LGBTQ+ communities’ traditions of celebrating together and celebrating who we are, just as we are,” Grey said. “Everyone who comes is expected to come with a warm, welcoming vibe. We want everyone to feel comfortable being themselves and having fun.”
Grey said attendees can expect to see the Safe Space vividly decorated for the event.
“The space will be lit up with colorful decorations and lights, and there will be lots of pride flags,” Grey said. “There is some great, comfy furniture in the space, and our inflatable unicorn will likely be in attendance.”
For information, contact Grey at mgrey@monroeccc.edu