
Bird walk event being held through One Book, One Community

Bird and nature lovers can unite this week.

woman smiling in front of books on shelves
Elizabeth Hartig, MCCC faculty reference librarian/ Public Services. (Photo by Lexi Greenwood)

One Book, One Community is organizing a bird walk at Erie Marsh Preserve 3-5 p.m. on Thursday at 3200 Sterns Road in Erie.

Elizabeth Hartig, faculty reference librarian/ Public Services at MCCC, said in an email the event is for everyone.

“The event is open to the public but registration is required and there is a limit on how many people can register,” she said.

She said there are only 40 spots available.

Hartig said the Nature Conservancy will be giving the guided tour of Erie Marsh.

The Erie Marsh Preserve is one of the largest coastal wetlands on Lake Erie and supports numerous animals and plants that would struggle to find suitable habitat according to the Erie Marsh Preserve website.

“The goal is to see the habitat and birds. The Nature Conservancy staff will discuss all the birds in detail in a presentation the day before at the Bedford Library,” Hartig said.

Hartig said there is an informational meeting, the Nature Conservancy talk, the day before the event. The event will be held at Bedford Branch Library, located at 8575 Jackman Road in Temperance.

Hartig said Kimberly Steinberger and Tara Poloskey from the Nature Conservatory will be discussing bird watching and the local birds attendees may see at the event. For more information on the events and to register for the bird walk, contact Hartig at