Elizabeth Hartig is the newest librarian to be welcomed at MCCC.
Hartig majored in History and German at University of Michigan. She then had a fellowship in Germany for a year and spent time working with nonprofits.
Hartig went on to work with a refugee resettlement agency and it was there that she realized she had a passion for connecting people with the resources they need.
“A lot of people know they want to be a librarian,” Hartig said, “and other people just find their way there.”
Hartig earned her Master of Library and Information Science from Wayne State University in 2016.
After earning her master’s degree Hartig went on to work at Oakland University part-time for a year and Concordia University Ann Arbor until coming to MCCC.
Hartig started her new position as Faculty Reference Librarian/ Public Services on Aug. 15.
Gerald McCarty, Director of Student Success, said they received around 30 applications after posting the librarian position available.
Ultimately, Hartig was hired for the job and McCarty says she is a great fit.
“One of the things we really like about her,” McCarty said, “is that she works really well with students and staff, she’s not afraid to just jump in and get going.”
Hartig is full of excitement for her new position and has already lined up some classes she will be attending to give demonstrations about how to navigate the library system online, and is going to be the new advisor to Student Government.
Hartig said Student Government has their first meeting on Sept. 20, and she is looking forward to working with them. She has already had a great time meeting with some of the leaders and learning about the different programs and ideas they have.
A major part of Hartig’s position is connecting people with the resources they need. She wants everyone to know she is excited to be here and ready to help you.
Hartig is extremely knowledgeable and passionate about the newly renovated library in the C Building.
Hartig said that if out of the 11,000 books, 30,000 journals/magazines and about 500,000 e-books, students can not find the resource needed on campus, she is happy to help them access the interlibrary loan and get whatever is needed from any library in the country.
Hartig looks forward to getting to know the faculty and student body of MCCC.