The Agora Chorale is bringing the joy of music back to campus.
The first of four concerts this year will be Tuesday, Oct. 26 at 7:30pm in the Meyer Theatre .
Director Catherine Brodie expressed excitement for the concert, although acknowledged it will be an emotional one.
The choir lost a member this past May. Twenty-two-year-old Haley Langmeyer passed away from COVID-19. Her fellow members will be performing Mozart’s “Lacrimosa” in her honor.
“She was just sweet to her core,” said choir member Doug Stewart of Haley. “Always willing to be a team player. Very talented. Very Smart.”

Campus events coordinator Tom Ryder said the concert will be among the first college events to bring life back to the theatre after the pandemic restrictions.
Last year, membership was restricted to students only. The scholarship student choir held a mini version of a normal concert in April, Brodie said.
With the community allowed to join again, the choir is a mix of vocal tones, Brodie said.
“I like working with everyone from 16 to 80. That’s a wonderful mix of people,” Brodie said. “Oddly enough they all come out sounding pretty good together.”