“I prefer to study in the Agora newsroom between classes,” Lauren Werlinger said. “I like how quiet and peaceful it is, as well as the natural light that comes in through the blinds.’
“My favorite study spot is in the lazy-boy center lounge. It is tasteful arranged with comfortable lazy-boy couches that are perfect for getting into the zone with any paper, homework or project,” Elisabeth Brockman said. “The black baby grand piano is the other piece of furnishing that attracted me to the space. The large windows provide plenty of light as I transition from schoolwork to a periodic piano break in my favorite study spot.”
“My favorite place to study is cuddled up on my couch with the ambiance of the fireplace and the smell of my favorite candles,” Hanna Nadeau said. “The peaceful atmosphere allows me to bask in the tranquility and stay focused in all academic endeavors.”
“When school went online because of covid last year, I created a study space in my room that’s now my go to place to work,” Marie Underwood said. “It’s pretty quiet, and I have a lot of space to use.”
“During my time between classes you will find me studying in the lobby of the La-Z-Boy center,” Emma Marion said. “The comfy couches and ambiance remind me to sit back and relax when I feel overwhelmed. “
“My favorite study spot is anywhere in the F building,” Claire Bacarella said. “I love spending time there because it’s the most new and exciting part of campus.”