
Monroe and Election Night

Voting signs were placed around the county denoting the different areas where citizens could go to vote for their precinct.
The Sumpter Township Firehall was one of several locations that was heavily crowded mid-day as voting continued.
Voters lined up in mass lines outside of the Sumpter Firehall awaiting entry to the building where the voting booths were located.
In these packed locations, parking lots were quickly filled and residents had to park on lawns and street corners.
(From left) On election night Mary Kittle, Jessica Burt, Jason Cooley, Kyle Bryant, Susan Preadmore and Jenice Jenkins count the ballots for Frenchtown Township.
(From left) Sandy Hayter, Suzie Turner and Terry Turner man a tent across from the Monroe YMCA precinct. The tent was set up to garner signatures on a recall petition to Governor Whitmer’s Order 2020-50 which called for a “dedicated unit” in nursing homes with COVID-19 affected residents. “We’ve had a lot more thumbs up than down” said Sandy Hayter. They said they had many thumbs up and honks of approval from cars, with only two signs of negativity given to them in the form of people giving them the middle finger. They have had help from various people around the county and full state getting signatures for this endeavor.

During the Nov. 3 election, Agora staff went around Monroe and neighboring townships and cities to document the events of the day.

This is a collection of photos that the staff collected over the course of the day to highlight certain areas of the voting and the behind-the-scenes process.