One of the most well-known issues cellphone users have is being available to virtually anyone.
And I do mean anyone.
Even if you never give out your phone number to a single soul, you’re still inviting a large portion of the world to your doorstep by simply activating the device.
When your phone is turned on, thousands of automated algorithms throw themselves into their proverbial “overdrive” as they eagerly search for the best way to connect to your phone and deliver a “very important message” to you.
In the past decade these automated calls, or “robocalls,” have become a frequent annoyance for phone owners who are expecting another person to be on the other end of the line only to be greeted by an automated voice.
These voices prattle on about your insurance, the IRS and any other number of scenarios devised to scam innocent people out of money and time.
Not all robocalls are scams. Some can be from state representatives, other politicians asking for votes or your pharmacy reminding you to pick up a prescription.
Yet, despite the intent behind these calls, it is almost always an annoyance.
Fortunately, companies have begun to crack down on robocalls by screening numbers to ensure that the call is authentic.
While the decline of robocalls was certainly a breath of fresh air, this allowed another entity to rear its evil head and seize the opening to slide into.
Or more appropriately, slide into the DMs.
“Robotexts” take all the worst parts of spam emails and robocalls and combine them into a force to be reckoned with.
With robotexts, spammers now have the ability to send you multiple messages, including unsolicited photos and videos, at once or in tandem.
Separate numbers are also used to text you the same messages after you’ve blocked a previous number.
One of the more upsetting things about these kinds of spam messages is that legitimate businesses and services have also adopted this method to reach out to potential customers or consumers.
While it may arguably be an effective method, it is very off-putting when you receive the same message five times in the span of an hour.
I suppose what I’m trying to say is:
No, Mr. Ramsay, if that is your real name, I will not be joining the U.S. Army any time soon.