For many young people, impeachment is a term that they’ve only seen in their history books until now. However, impeachment is far from being a new word in the world of politics.
“Impeachment is a Constitutional provision for the removal from office for the president, vice president or any civil officers of the state for committing ‘bribery, treason’ or ‘high crimes and misdemeanors,’” said associate professor of political science Michael Snyder via email. “The Constitution is vague on what constitutes bribery, treason, and high crimes and misdemeanors, and will have to be essentially determined by the members of Congress.”
Only two presidents have been impeached. This includes Bill Clinton for lying about his activities in the Oval Office in 1998.
Fast forward to 2019, and it’s potentially our current president’s turn.
Now I know you’re probably thinking, “Gee, what could Trump have possibly done in his three years of presidency that could be considered misconduct?” According to, President Trump has committed the following impeachable offenses:
• Profiting from the Presidency. Every time he golfs at a Trump property, he funnels taxpayer money into his family business, which he still retains ownership of while in office.
• Advocating Political and Police Violence. He gave cover to the neo-Nazis, whose deadly riots in Charlottesville killed a protester, violating his obligation to protect citizens against domestic violence.
• Abuse of Power. Trump and his administration tried to conceal the whistleblower complaint that revealed his corruption.
• Attacking the Free Press. Called the independent press “fake news” and called journalists the “enemy of the American people.”
• Violating Immigrants’ Right to Due Process. Has separated over 3,000 immigrant children from their families at the Mexican border and holding them in internment camps.
The latest revelation in the case for impeachment is the whistleblower complaint over a call between Trump and the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky.
On the alleged phone call, Trump repeatedly pressured Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, as well as other issues of political concern to himself.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry on Sept. 14. The impeachment inquiry’s first two public hearings began on Nov. 13 and 15.
“The main question is whether or not the proceedings will be concluded before the elections in November next year,” Snyder said. “Because of the Republican majority in the Senate, it is very unlikely that the president will be removed based on any articles of impeachment voted on by the House, unless some incontrovertible evidence comes to light.”