
Makerspace makes dinosaur

Maxwell Haar stands with the dinosaur that he helped make using a CNC laser in the new Makerspace of the Career Technology Center.

There is a dinosaur in room T-160 of the Career Technology Center.

Born from wood seared by beams of light, the ancient beast watches over the Makerspace from its countertop domain.

This dinosaur was crafted with the help of Maxwell Haar, the new Makerspace technician at MCCC.

Haar began his career at MCCC in May, shortly after completing his electrical engineering technology degree at Owens Community College.

With some squares of plywood, a laser and a touch of glue, they brought the dinosaur to life in the span of three days, much of which was spent letting glue dry so the dinosaur could stand proud.

Haar said the dinosaur’s purpose was to serve as a cool decoration showing off the capabilities of the Makerspace technology, such as 3D printers and the Computer Numerical Control laser used to build the dinosaur.

Haar said he likes the open space and the friendly faces on campus. One of Haar’s favorite places on campus is the Makerspace where things are more free rein and the technology can let your creativity run free.

“I didn’t know I could make a dinosaur with a laser, he said. “That’s the coolest sentence I ever said.”