With finals on the way and deadlines approaching, students around the campus have been studying and writing the night away. But on Saturday, students and professors were able to play games and enjoy some delicious snacks with friends.
The Pride Party was hosted by the GSA – Gender Sexuality Alliance- in the A- building in the Cellar from 7-11 P.M.
Attendance was free and there was no dress code, although several students dressed up for the event.
Declan Landis, co-chair of the club, said there was a small problem with the date of the party.
“A lot of people are at prom tonight,” he said. “But we’ve been having a great time here regardless.”
Originally, the event was to be a Pride Prom but the pride party was just as fun and welcoming.
The cellar was decorated with pride flags, including the transgender and gay pride flag to further incorporate an open atmosphere where students could be themselves and have fun.
The party also included a screening of Studio Ghibli films. Studio Ghibli is a popular Japanese animation film studio.
Haley Langmeyer and Codie Martin both enjoyed watching the film and spending time with friends.
Kaitlyn Gullet, the club’s Secretary and Treasurer, was also in attendance.
“My expectations for the party were definitely met,” Gullet said. “It was laid back and fun and I had a great time.”
As secretary and treasurer Gullet said she helped plan the party and bring in food.
Gullet and other students brought lots of soda and food including Mexican food, popcorn, and special deserts.
“My favorite part of the night was playing What Do You Meme,” Gullet said. “It was super fun.”
The event was filled with games such as heads up, pool, and various card games.
The pride party also offered students a chance to learn more about their professors
Professors Michelle Grey and Jenna Bazzel led a game of B.S.
Grey jokingly renamed the game after a bologna sandwich.
“The Pride Party was a casual and fun time for anyone who wanted to hang out and play games or watch movies,” Grey said.
The effort showed as students laughed over games of Jenga and posed for photos with friends.
“For some students who are exploring their identity and if they feel they may be a part of the LGBTAQ community, it is a space for them to be able to it and not fear ridicule, harassment and/or repression they may have felt their entire lives,” Bazzel said.
Another corner of the cellar was decorated in bright fairy lights which surrounded a set-up of tables and chairs for students.
Isabelle Younglove, who will be attending MCCC in the fall semester, said her favorite part of the event was the strobe lights and other decorations of the party.
There was also a sign surrounded by markers for attendees to sign their name on and decorate.
“I liked when I was able to put my name on the sign because it made me feel like part of a larger community,” Younglove said.
The GSA has been advertised throughout campus, and the pride party was another way for current and incoming students to learn about the club.
Younglove said she appreciates the GSA’s presence and is glad she attended to learn more about the club.
“I thought ‘Thank god this exists.’ I’m really grateful it is a part of the campus."
The aspect of the pride party which most showcased the inclusivity was the genderless bathrooms.
Students hung colorful papers over the gendered bathroom signs.
“This party was more relaxed than a prom,” Grey said. “And there was no requirement or pressure to dance or engage in any particular activities.”
Grey’s final statement reiterated the overall message of the GSA.
“We encourage individuals to come as you are and be welcoming to others, too.”