Students with an interest in learning more about global affairs should consider working towards the Global Studies Degree
Designation at MCCC.
Professor of Business and Economics and Global Studies Coordinator Wendy Wysocki said there are benefits to having the degree.
“We live in a global environment, we have a global economy. I think no matter where you work, you’re going to be doing things and run into people with different cultures and different backgrounds,” Wysocki said. “So having this global awareness, I think, really helps you to be successful in those areas.”
The global studies degree designation is a stamp on a student’s transcript that can be earned while completing any degree of choice or while following transfer guidelines.
This is an opportunity for students to learn about global issues and multicultural influences, on top of earning their degree.
“And essentially, what this would do would give them a stamp on their transcript that shows they have this global awareness; they’ve learned some things about different global areas,” Wysocki said.
The Global Studies Degree Designation has been offered since 2015 and was started by former MCCC professor Joanna Sabo.
Upon Sabo’s retirement in January 2018,
Wysocki became Global Studies coordinator.
According to the college policy, completing this designation will help student’s articulate international trends and issues, appreciate, understand and communicate effectively with international cultures, explore the effects of globalization in their own field of study, and gain awareness of how
global growth will impact their own world.
To earn this degree designation, there are three main requirements. First, students must take one Global Studies Required Course from a list of about 10 courses.
Students must also take 15 credit hours from a list of Global Studies Satisfier Courses.
There are over 50 courses that qualify for this list, as they have global components.
“These courses have at least 25 percent of their course content in a global environment,” Wysocki said. “So it has international theme, talks about international cultures, some are international business.”
Lastly, students need to attend at least three Global Studies lectures, workshops, seminars, or speaker presentations approved by the Global Studies advisor.
“They also have to partake in some activities
that show they’ve increased their global awareness,” Wysocki said.
The MCCC study abroad trip can count towards these required activities.
“Every other year the college likes to
promote a campus wide study abroad
opportunity. Usually there are three or four classes that students would take and go on the study abroad trip. The other years we do smaller trips that tend to be more program-based.”
Wysocki said this year students will be
going to the British Isles in May.
“Those requirements basically have them learn some things about different global
environments,” she said.
She feels that having this degree designation can be very helpful for students when applying for jobs in the future.
“Several students have said that having this on their transcript has helped them, that employers have looked at that and
recognized that they’ve had some exposure to global topics and issues,” Wysocki said. “That’s sometimes made the difference,
having that on their transcript compared to other students who haven’t had that exposure.”
This designation also helps students stand out when transferring to other institutions.
“It shows that they have an interest in this and that they have some background and awareness,” she said.
Having the Global Studies Degree
Designation has also helped MCCC grow in its educational offerings.
“It provides another level of education for students. Many of the students that
participate in the designation go on the study abroad trips, which expands their
horizon even further,” Wysocki said
“So I think for the college it really helps to provide another area of learning for students that they might not otherwise get in their courses.
It helps educate the community as well.”
To apply for this designation, students can pick up the forms at the Admissions Office or outside Wysocki’s office, C-216. Wysocki feels that the forms can be easily understood, but students should feel free to come to her with any interest or questions.
Currently, 15-20 students are participating in the program, with at least two students
graduating with the designation this semester.
Wysocki encourages students to explore this option because having an awareness of global affairs and issues is beneficial in everyday life.
“As they say, the world is much
smaller. We communicate internationally, we
have international businesses in Monroe County,” she said. “So the more you can show that you have some awareness to the global
environment, I think, the better off you are."