Samantha Beaudrie is the new president of student government, as of Tuesday, Sept. 25, when students and student government members gathered to vote in MCCC’s new student government officers.
Tom Ryder, the director of campus student activities, announced MCCC’s new student government officers: Samantha Beaudrie won the position as President, Seth Daniel as Vice President, Allie Warner as Secretary, Timothy Feaganes as Treasurer, Ethan Harbaugh as Liaison and McKenzie Lamour as Historian.
The vote began with the candidates introducing themselves and their intentions for each position.
“I have lot of experience in leadership roles,” Seth Daniel said.
“I was president of the community service club last year so I have a lot of experience working with others.”
When asked by Samantha Beaudrie what aspect of being a vice president was most important, Daniel discussed the importance of equality and respect.
“You want to foster an environment that is open for everyone to talk, everyone to express their own opinions,” he said.
Communication within the student body was positive and precise, with each student emphasizing the importance of loyalty and dedication.
“I want to step out of my comfort zone, and be something more,” Beaudrie said in her nomination speech.
This is Beaudrie’s third year in government, and her second as holding an office in student government.
Last year, Beaudrie was the group historian which allowed her to hold a leadership position in government.
“I’m really passionate about this group and I have a lot to offer and a lot to give,” Beaudrie said.
Allie Warner, the newly elected secretary, is also entering her third year participating in government.
Warner held up a handful of cards, claiming she was ‘terrible with talking’; her captivating speech was anything but that.
“We make time for things that are important to us, right?” Warner asked the students.
“So my belief is there’s no such thing as ‘Oh I don’t have time for that.’
What we really mean is ‘I prioritize my time according to things I want to do,’” she said.
A middle school graduate, student government member, and nursing student, it was clear Warner prioritized her time appropriately.
“With me, I want to be in student government because I want to make a difference and student government is what I love,” Warner said.
Timothy Feaganes, the newly elected Treasurer, cites his passion as his greatest strength.
“When I start something I put everything I have into it and make sure it gets done to the best of my ability,” Feaganes said.
“I’ve taken numerous accounting classes in high school and college,” he told students, “and I was an accountant for the school store back in high school, and I like to write sheets and numbers.”
Equally qualified was student Ethan Harbaugh, student government’s new liaison.
The main goal of a student liaison is to promote campus events through group interaction and promotions.
Harbaugh said he looked forward to students interactions and enjoys representing others.
“I like interactions with the crowd,” he said. “I love to make people laugh.
I’ve had a lot of opportunities in the past between being on my middle school student government, in fact, even in my elementary school.”
Harbaugh also cited his experience in 4H clubs and its council.
“I am one of the only four youth that represent us on a board of adults so I am familiar with getting up and trying to show your voice to people who are above you in wisdom and age.”
And last but not least, student government welcomed a freshman as their new Historian.
“This individual will take photos at our events and put together the scrapbook at the end of the year,” said Ryder.
While in high school McKenzie Lamour held the position of liaison in student government, in addition to being a writer and photographer for her high school yearbook.
“I loved capturing the special moments that came together on campus,” said Lamour.
Lamour best summarized student government and its goals in a single sentence.
“You have to have a great concern for students and the community around you; I would love to put my skills to use with this position.”
Beaudrie said she plans to focus on campus events as the new student government president.
“We really want to focus on impacting the students on campus so doing events,” she said. “Last year we did the Furry Finals which was really good.”
This event included student government partnering with Project Second Chance of Monroe. This group allows troubled youth to spend time with dogs that need to be adopted.
“We did ice cream and then students could play with the dogs and we’re planning on doing that again because it was such a big hit with everyone,” said Beaudrie.
Beaudrie and others emphasized the importance of student experiences and participation.
“I’m going to work my hardest not only to have a successful year with the best activities for the students around this college,” said Daniel.
“But also to make sure we enjoy our time together, we enjoy experiences together, and hopefully we make some memories together,” he said.
Togetherness was a strong theme in the student government election. Student government members encourage others to join the group and become a part of its community.
“If anyone is interested in joining they can still can,” Beaudrie said.
Beaudrie cited Tom Ryder and any student government as a contact. The president invited all students to attend future meetings.
“Student Government is like a family we all just stick together and try and help one another as best we can,” she said.“I think that whatever we do accomplish it’s going to be successful no matter what.”