MCCC's Board of Trustees decided Monday to raise the tuition for MCCC students.
The increases will go into effect in the Fall 2018 semester. It is the first such increase for in-county students since the college froze tuition in 2016.
For students from Monroe County, the increase is $2.50 per contact hour, totaling $109.50. Out-of-county residents will see an increase of $4.50, to $194.50. Out-of-state and international students will pay $5 more, now reaching $216.50.
Student Alec Bierly didn’t feel that tuition should be raised for in-county residents.
“Out-of-state, I could see why they would raise it,” he said. “In-county, I don’t understand why they really would. But out-of-state I understand; colleges and universities charge significantly more for out-of-state. It’s like crazy money.”
Grant Spears, a middle college student, had mixed feelings on the increase.
“I don’t think it impacts me personally,” he said. “But it sounds good for who it will help, I guess. I don’t know – I’m not great when it comes to economic stuff. If the college really needs the money… but, I don’t know, it doesn’t really seem like we need the money.”
“For the people in-state, it shouldn’t have been raised,” said Kaitlyn Caldwell.
“I think that paying more money in general is terrible,” said student Allie Rimmer, “So I don’t think that they should have raised it.”
Allen Spaulding, another student, didn’t feel the same.
“I believe that if it betters the college itself, and gives the teachers better pay, perhaps increased capabilities in aspects that they teach here, I say why not increase it?” Spaulding said. “If it makes things better, why not pay a little more?”