The MCCC Community Service Club is jumping into action as hurricanes rip through the south.
The club is helping collect donations or dollar vouchers for the Thirty-One Gifts zipper pouch relief fundraiser.
Club adviser Allison Gallardo said the club is helping a student fill bags for the victims of Hurricane Harvey in Houston.
Student Kayla Obert is a Thirty-One Gifts party consultant in her third semester studying for an associate’s degree in Nursing, Gallardo said.
“She’s filling pouches with toiletry items,” Gallardo said. “If anyone wanted to donate toiletries, they can.”
The club is taking donations through Sep 15, and donations should be delivered to the club advisors, Gallardo, a Financial Aid assistant, and Barry Kinsey, of the Workforce Development Department.
“Larger items needed are socks and feminine products,” Gallardo said. “Students can donate money, doesn’t even have to be $20—if they wanna donate—they
“If students want to put a note inside the pouch, they can as well,” she said.
Hurricane Harvey was joined by Hurricane Irma in Florida.
“I have a student in the community service club thinking about doing another fundraiser for Irma,” Gallardo said.
Instead of a food drive, the club is considering a toiletry drive and setting out boxes.
“People can donate toiletry items, whatever they want to donate, and put them in the box to be delivered to the Red Cross,” she said.