
Post-Apocalyptic World Survival

The Agora editor Leah Thomas moderated the event with panel members Micah Young, Chase McBee, Mark Hammond, Bob Dluzen, and Judy Dluzen


Learning how to survive could be the difference between life and death during catastrophes.

On Wednesday, March 29, the Agora staff hosted a survivalist discussion. 

This event is a part of the One Book One Community scheduled events to help promote reading in the community. 

The conversation provided an opportunity for community participants to ask a panel a range of questions about strategies on survival.  Moral and ethical dilemmas were a prominent topic of discussion too.

Dan Shaw kicked off the night by introducing the editor of The Agora and moderator of the event Leah Thomas. Thomas began by introducing the members of the panel including their field of expertise.  The panel was comprised of Bob Dluzen, Judy Dluzen, Mark Hammond, Chase McBee, and Micah Young.

Bob prides himself on being a professional full time agricultural gardener had a great deal of insight on the importance of the education pertaining to survival.

Mark Hammond, emergency management director of Monroe County, brought a great deal of public safety knowledge in addition to disaster response.

Chase McBee, current student at the college, is a veteran who served in the U.S Army in Afghanistan from 2008 to 2012. He enlightened the audience with his passion to prepare for any global disaster.

Micah Young, MCCC Alumni, is a firearms and protection survivalist enthusiast. Young’s skill focus was directed toward the hunting, fishing, and meal preparation aspect of survival.

The topic of discussion came from the book “Station Eleven” by Emily St. John Mandel, which is this year’s chosen book for One Book One Community. The book takes place Michigan after a flu-like pandemic killed off out a majority of the population. The story of “Station Eleven” follows a Shakespearean troupe as they travel the great lakes coastline.

Members of the panel, which is titled “Surviving in a Post-Apocalyptic World,” were asked a series of questioned formulated by the audience which included:

–    What do you think are the most likely possibilities for a global catastrophe?

–    What would your plan to be sure you are in taking safe and healthy water?

–    How hard is it to find food, and how would you go about doing so?

–    What would constitute of ethical use of a firearm?

These questions made up the majority of the discussion during the event.

Key points prioritized by the knowledgeable survival experts were preparation, education, and resourcefulness.

A reoccurring theme was that thinking about these things is more important than whatever then finished plans are.

“Plans are nothing, planning is everything,” Young said.

The night was a highly informative success as well as a delight to the audience members who want to become prepared for survival.

A special thanks to the college, The Agora editor and staff, and participants for making this event such a positive beneficial occurrence at the college.