Hello!! I'm Vanessa — a 30's something lady who believes it's important to temper the "important stuff" with the little things that make me happy. I take self-care very seriously and believe a hot bath, a face mask, and the occasional glass of wine (or champagne!) can relieve stress better than anything a doctor could ever prescribe. I love photography and credit it for my new found (past four years or so) appreciation for the beauty of mother nature.
Holo … it's me. {April 23, 2017}
It's only April, but I can already predict that 2017 will be the year of the holographic, most commonly referred to as "holo," trend. Some call it the "unicorn trend," and I can totally get down with that. A few other terms for "holo" are "opalescent," "iridescent," "fairy," and "fairidescent." For those of you who don't follow fashion, beauty, or home decor trends, when I say "holo," I'm referring to something with a rainbow shift. Here are a few examples …
You get the gist … right?
Though the holographic trend has existed for quite a few years, it hit a new level of popularity this year. There are a few reasons for this. First, Cristine of Simply Nailogical, who coined the term "holosexual," created the viral "100 layers challenge." Soon, every top beauty and lifestyle channel was using the term holosexual.