President Kojo Quartey speaks about the opening of the center.
MCCC held a kickoff event on Sept. 28 for the new Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center on campus.
The event was held in the CTC building, and included a tour of the building and its workshops for students, community members, and small business owners who attended.
At the beginning of the event, MCCC president Kojo Quartey gave a short speech outlining the reasoning behind this new center.
Quartey said there was no place in the county for small business owners to get help starting their projects. The plan is to open such a place here, so that they can get the assistance they need.
While there are innovation centers elsewhere, none of them are in Monroe County, he said.
“We are going to have a place here in Monroe County, here on this campus, as a part of this partnership to ensure that individuals in Monroe county can be innovators and entrepreneurs,” he said.
Afterwards, Quartey explained the types of help this center plans to provide people.
“You’ll have access to mentors, you’ll have access to space, you’ll have access to equipment to help start your business,” he said.
“The types of assistance include workshops, technical, business counseling, and of course access to this wonderful space and technology at Monroe community college.”
He said the technology includes things such as design software, a welding lab, a laser cutter, a 3D printer, machinist lab, electronics lab, graphic design software, and a Mac lab.
After Quartey’s speech, the Small Business Development Center held a financing workshop for prospective business owners.
At the event, the participants were allowed to make connections and mingle with each other.
One student at the event, Alex Ondus, said that he would have liked to known about this place sooner, and that it might have influenced his first years of college.