Today at a town hall meeting MCCC’s Strategic plan was laid out, the Higher Learning Commission inspection was detailed, and the new geothermal renovations were outlined.
President Kojo Quartey laid out his vision for the college in the years to come. This plan took the last two years to complete, Quartey said.
“This is a year of implementation,” he said. “We have a new vision and a new mission—and the mission is much more global.”
According to this new plan, priorities have become strategic initiatives, with what Quartey referred to as measurable objectives.
Collaboration was listed as one of these strategic initiatives, and Quartey mentioned working with high schools, Monroe County Business Development Corporation, and expressed general interest in local various companies, firms, nonprofits, United Way, March of Dimes or,
“Whoever in this community we’ll be working with to move the institution and the entire community forward,” Quartey said.
Vice President of Instruction Dr. Grace Yackee described expectations of the HLC’s inspection and
This as a midterm assurance review, which evaluates how the five criteria for accreditation are met. Part of this process is the conduction of a comprehensive review, covering the college’s mission, ethics and responsible behavior, quality and evaluation of education programs, and planning, Yackee said.
A day and half will used to evaluate the five criteria for accreditation. Yackee clarified that that this is a comprehensive review—not as targeted as the focus visit.
Director of Campus Planning and Facilities Jack Burns broke down the timeline for the HVAC renovations, and explained what the campus will gain from the commitment to efficient energy.
Burns described a focus on inconveniencing the students as little as possible. He added that faculty and staff will be inconvenienced, but that the focus is on the students so that daily courses are not disrupted.
Three phases to the HVAC renovations will take place simultaneously, so that each part is complete in time for the new system to operate.
The return on the investment of this new energy system is going to come with the savings it will provide each year, and stood out as the best option amongst other routes.
The system is built to be reliable for the next fifty years, and is similar to what is already installed on campus at the CTC building.
When the campus was built asbestos was at its peak in usage, so where work is being done, such as on ceilings, asbestos will be removed.
The work is scheduled to be done by the Fall semester of 2016.