Dustin Rayburn accepts the adjunct faculty of the year award from VP Grace Yackee during the 2015 MCCC honors night.
The adjunct faculty award was given to computer system professor Dustin Rayburn.
He has been teaching courses in the business division for over 13 years.
“I’m honored and humbled to win this award. I have a wonderful group of colleagues, and being nominated, just knowing I made a difference in my students’ education. It was really special,” Rayburn said.
Rayburn’s courses include intro to CIS, principles of marketing, managing digital enterprise, and database management systems.
He was described as being extremely supportive of MCCC.
He is currently a member of the CIS advisory board.
Students said he is a caring instructor who is always willing to help them when needed.
He is the VP and CFO of FRG corp, a training and consulting firm in Monroe.
He previously taught at Delta College, and received his degree from the University of Phoenix.
The award was presented by Grace Yackee, who praised Rayburn’s dedication to his students, and his sense of humor.
Rayburn graciously accepted the award in front of his students and wife