
One Book, One Community kicks off

Area residents sample food in the atrium of the La-Z-Boy Center during the kickoff of the One Book, One Community program.

MCCC hosted the first event of the 2015 "One Book, One Community" series Wednesday, March 25.

The kickoff event was a chance for local businesses to show off what they have to offer, as well as for community members to offer useful advice on how to be self sufficient. There was also a table selling cookbooks created by the "One Book, One Community" committee and offering free samples of several recipes from the book.

Schedule of events for One Book, One Community

Also present was MCCC's own wine making program who, due to a failure to acquire an alcohol liscence, was offering free samples of grape juice.

The book chosen by the One Book program this year is "The American Way of Eating" by Tracie McMillan. The book explores America's system for growing, processing and selling food. McMillan describes her experiences working undercover on farms, in a Walmart produce section and an Applebee's restaurant.

The speaker at the event was Kate Daughdrill, an artist and urban farmer in Detroit. She spoke about her role in helping to build sustainable eating practices, such as community gardens, in her neighborhood in Detroit.

"Most of it revolves around my farm, Burnside Farm," Daughdrill said. "There we have a community garden, we do weekly meals, to build connections among neighbors, and I make sculptures and art pieces that come out of the materials and the life of the farm."

Kate Daughdrill