Destruction of Property
On March 3 it was reported that a plastic stand holding up a monitor was broken, and the monitor was broken as a result.
A professor left the lab at 6 p.m. on March 2 and the monitor stand was intact.
When he returned the next morning the door was wedged open, and the stand was broken.
An assistant said that he had wedged open the door, so he could borrow a charger from the room, and that the stand didn’t seem broken when he was there.
Cameras are pointed at the monitor area.
When these cameras were checked, it was found that the room was empty at the time the stand broke.
Upon further investigation, campus security found that brake fluid had leaked from a test kit, and that might have weakened the plastic stand.
Medical Emergencies
On March 2, ambulances and fire rescue was called to the C building after a girl laid down on the floor due to not feeling well.
On March 4, fire rescue was called to campus again.
This time, a woman was suffering from an attack of COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – in the H building lobby.
Within five minutes of the fire rescue getting to the scene, the woman was on her way to Mercy Memorial Hospital.
On 18 Feb, a woman’s purse was stolen from the benches outside the classrooms in the basement of the C building.
The woman reported that she sat down on the bench, and left her purse when she went to class.
When she came back, her purse was gone.
In her purse she had her car keys, her wallet with $350 in cash, her debit card, a check, and various paper items.
Campus Security checked the trash cans in the C building, West Tech, and East Tech.
The purse was not found.
Larceny – Building: Campus security was called to investigate the theft of toilet paper rolls from the La-Z-Boy center and the Career Technology Centere.
The maintenance staff noticed that the toilet paper was missing after they had recently replaced the rolls.
The CTC had 4 rolls stolen from the men’s restroom in the north hallway, and the La-Z-Boy center had 1 roll stolen from the men’s restroom by the lobby.
The was no damage to the dispensers, and there has been no word on a suspect.
The stolen toilet paper cost the college a total of 30 dollars.