
Student Government Gives Back

Many soldiers spend Christmas overseas defending their country, student government wants to show their appreciation.

MCCC Student Government is accepting donations of snacks and personal hygiene items such as beef jerky, sunflower seeds, deodorant, and Chap Stick.

Spearheading the effort is Student Government member Daniel Maciejewski. 

“The credit goes to Shelby, our president. It was her idea and it snowballed into an actual event,” Maciejewski said.

The boxes will be in both the A and L Buildings until Dec.15. Once the items have been collected they will be packaged and sent overseas to support those members of the military from Monroe County.

“It will go to every single branch, from every family that has a deployed member from Monroe County, and is currently in Afghanistan,” Maciejewski said.

Members of the MCCC Student Veteran Organization spoke at a panel on campus on Wednesday, Dec. 3. Each member talked about the significance of receiving a package from back home.

“It’s a message that someone out there is thinking about you,” said David Pacheco, an Army veteran.

A drive was held earlier this year to send care packages and those donations filled approximately one large box. Maciejewskihopes this drive will fill anywhere from three to five boxes and the best way to accomplish this goal is through awareness about this event.

“It would be awesome if the professors could tell their students about this project,” Maciejewski said.