Students who vote in the Nov. 4 election had a chance to win a variety of prizes offered by Student Government.
However, this is no longer the case; the program has been cancelled because it may have violated election laws.
The booth was going to be open on Tuesday, Nov. 4, during election hours from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. in the A Building.
Currently enrolled students could have presented their "I voted" sticker to the booth to be entered to win one of three prizes.
Being offered was a $25 gas card, one of three $10 Taco Bell gift cards or a chocolate gift basket.
Students were also going to receive a free fountain drink.
The booth and prizes were decided by Student Government as an incentive for students to be involved and voting in the election.
In an email to campus employees, Suzanne Wetzel, vice president of Administration, said the event could have been construed as an improper attempt to "induce another to vote," under Michigan election law.
(Updated on 11/3/14 at 3:30)